Family from Leipzig stood in front of the camera

The LWB has published a new service brochure for its tenants entitled "Wohnen und Wohlfühlen". The 20-page booklet offers a wealth of useful tips and advice on all aspects of living. Under the heading "No chance for mold", it explains how to heat and ventilate properly. Those who want to renovate their homes will find valuable information in the chapter "Use in/at their own four walls". The suggestions for saving energy are worth their weight in gold. You can also read up on how tenants can protect themselves against burglars and what needs to be considered when keeping pets. In addition, there is a detailed explanation of how waste is disposed of correctly. A Leipzig family stood in front of the camera to illustrate the booklet, which all LWB tenants have received since this year. Mirjam and Mirko, together with their three children Marco, Maria and Max, "translated" all the topics of the booklet into everyday life. Even dog Rocky was given a small supporting role. For the request to show consideration for people who are afraid of dogs, the child-loving Beagle even pulled a grim snout, according to mother Mirjam.

February 15, 2018

Foto-Shooting Service Broschüre

Marco, Max and Rocky had a great time.