Help and support in Corona times

In addition to LWB social management, authorities, institutions, associations and initiatives offer a range of useful information on their websites in view of the spreading coronavirus and the resulting restrictions on personal contact.

In order to provide you with assistance and guidance on various topics, we have compiled a number of links for you. We make no claim to completeness. Please obtain your own relevant information in good time.*

The City of Leipzig has summarised all information on the topic of coronavirus on its website. The citizens' hotline and the Coronavirus hotline can be reached together on 0341 123-0 from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. From Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., the Office for Youth, Family and Education also offers advice in connection with this topic. Advice on how to apply for housing benefit (Wohngeld) can be found here.

The Federal Employment Agency has published a page with the most frequently asked  questions and most important answers  about Coronavirus. It also provides information on financial assistance such as the short-time working allowance (Kurzarbeitergeld) or support in the form of the child benefit supplement (Kinderzuschlag). All information and contact details for the Jobcenter and the Employment Agency for Leipzig can be found here.

Among other institutions, the Kirchliche Erwerbsloseninitiative Leipzig (KEL) provides advice on debt and unemployment, and assists with the relevant applications to be made.

Neighbourly help is not only important in time of a pandemic. Help for Leipzigs's citizens is organised, for example, by the "depot" together with the "Ecken wecken" foundation.  The neighbourhood portal nebenan is also a recommendable source. 
Please observe the applicable infection control measures when getting involved.

Assistance in times of crisis is provided free of charge and around the clock by the Diakonie telephone counselling service, among others.

It is not only senior citizens who can find information here about confidence trickster practices during the Coronavirus crisis, or the new scams operated by criminals on the phone or at the door.

In cases of domestic violence, for example, the police or the White Ring association offer support. In addition, there is the help hotline on hand that offers support in cases of violence against women "Gewalt gegen Frauen", which is operated by the Federal Office for Families and Civil Society Tasks (Bundesamt für Familien und zivilgesellschaftliche Aufgaben), as well as the children's and youth hotline "Nummer gegen Kummer".

In Leipzig, victims can dial the emergency number of the association Frauen für Frauen e.V. (Women for Women). Men affected by domestic violence can, for example, contact Lehmann e.V., Further addresses can be found in the LWB leaflet "Domestic Violence".

15. July 2021

* The LWB does not guarantee the accuracy of the linked pages. Furthermore, this is not legal advice.