The LWB rents out again

Following the discontinuation of public access to the company headquarters at Wintergartenstraße 4 and the service kiosks, Leipziger Wohnungs- und Baugesellschaft mbH (LWB) has resumed its letting activities in a first stage today (20 April 2020). Both advisory meetings in the central letting department and apartment viewings are now available by appointment. Appointments can be made by telephone or, on request, by e-mail. It is not yet possible to resume consultations and viewings without prior notice.

The letting operation is to be completely ramped up by the end of the week, according to LWB directors Iris Wolke-Haupt and Ute Schäfer. In doing so, the company will strictly adhere to the hygiene and distance regulations and the contact restrictions that now apply, in order to protect customers and employees. Interested parties are asked for their understanding if the necessary precautions lead to delays in processing.

Visitors can download a contact form from the LWB website, which must be printed out and sent in advance of any consultation or visit. This can be done by e-mail, fax or post. Inquiries will be answered on 0341 9922-0 or by e-mail

20. April 2020